Tuesday, 27th April 1999

8:30 - 9:30

The registration desk will be already open from 8:30 to 9:30. It will remain open during all the Conference


9:30 - 10:15

Welcome and Introduction
Chair: Jaime Delgado (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)
Chairman of the Organising Committee

Welcome to IS&N
Director for Catalunya (Telefónica, Spain)

Han Zuidweg (Alcatel Research, Belgium)
Chairman of the Technical Programme Committee

Invited Speech - Information Society in Europe
Vicente Parajón Collada (DGXIII Deputy Director General, European Commission)


10:15 - 10:45

Coffee Break

10:45 - 13:00

Keynote Speakers 1
Chair: Han Zuidweg (Alcatel Research, Belgium)

Multimedia Mobile Software Agents on Internet
Ahmed Karmouch (University of Ottawa, Canada)

The Key Role of Certificates & Smartcards for Electronic Commerce
Bernd Kowalski (Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany)

Competitive Telecommunications Management in 2000
Masayoshi Ejiri (Fujitsu Ltd., Japan)


13:00 - 14:30

Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:00

Session 1 - Communications Management
Chair: Vincent Wade (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)

A Practical Perspective on TMN Evolution
Rob Davison (BT Laboratories, UK), Terry Turner (Broadcom, Ireland)

Accounting Management in a TINA-Based Service and Network Environment
Patrick Hellemans (Alcatel Telecom, Belgium), Koen Daenen (Alcatel Telecom, Belgium), Cliff Redmond (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland), Dave Lewis (University College of London, UK)

A New Architecture for Open and Distributed Network Management
Rob Davison (BT Laboratories, UK), Jim Hardwicke (BT Laboratories, UK)


16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 - 17:45

Panel Session 1
Chair: Thomas Magedanz (IKV++, Germany)

Quo Vadis Agent Technology?
Roger Impey (National Research Center, Canada), Abe Mamdani (Imperial College, UK), Divine Ndumu (BT Laboratories, UK), Stephen McConnell (OSM SARL, France), Declan O'Sullivan (IONA, Ireland), Donald Steiner (Siemens, Germany)


17:45 - 18:15

Showcase Presentation
Chair: Michael Griffith (TeleCommunities Ltd., UK)

TeleManagement Forum and ACTS
Tony Richardson (TeleManagement Forum, USA)


18:15 - 19:30

Showcase Drink


Gala Dinner


Wednesday, 28th April 1999

9:00 - 10:30

Session 2A - Brokerage
Chair: Eleutherios Athanassiou (Deutsche Telekom Berkom GmbH, Germany)

Self-Organisation and Learning in Multi-Agent Based Brokerage Services
Marie Pierre Gleizes (IRIT-University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse, France), Alain Léger (France Telecom CNET, France), Eleutherios Athanassiou (DeutscheTelekom Berkom, Germany), Pierre Glize (IRIT-University Paul Sabatier of Toulouse, France)

Open Architecture for Distributed Search Systems
Mikhail Bessonov (University College Dublin, Ireland), Udo Heuser (Tuebingen University, Germany), Igor Nekrestyanov (St. Petersburg State University, Russia)

Building Topic-specific Collections with Intelligent Agents
Igor Nekrestyanov (St. Petersburg State University, Russia), Tadhg O'Meara (University College Dublin, Ireland), Ekaterina Romanova (St. Petersburg State University, Russia)


Session 2B - Interworking
Chair: Keith Start (Orca Research, UK)

Design of the CORBA/TC Interworking Gateway
Nilo Mitra (Ericsson Research, Canada), Rob Brennan (Teltec DCU, Ireland)

CORBA Interworking over SS.7
Nils Fischbeck (Siemens AG, Germany), Olaf Kath (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany)

Signalling System No.7 as an Agent Platform Message Transport Protocol
Rob Brennan (Teltec DCU, Ireland), Brendan Jennings (Teltec DCU, Ireland), Thomas Curran (Teltec DCU, Ireland)


10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 - 13:00

Session 3A - Issues of Agent Technologies
Chair: Joachim Quantz (IKV++, Germany)

Usability Challenges in Agent Based Services
Eija Kaasinen (VTT Information Technology, Finland)

Management of Mobile Agent Based Services
M. Breugst (IKV++, Germany), S. Choy (IKV++, Germany), M. Datta (IKV++, Germany)

Mobile Agent Security - Issues and Direction
Kristian Schelderup (Norwegian Computing Centre (NR), Norway), Jon Ølnes (Norwegian Computing Centre (NR), Norway)

A CORBA Environment Supporting Mobile Objects
S. Choy (IKV++, Germany), M. Breugst (IKV++, Germany)


Session 3B - Component Reuse
Chair: William Donnelly (Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland)

Customizing Telecommunication Services: Patterns, Issues and Models
Linas Maknavicius (ENST Bretagne, France), Gautier Koscielny (Université de Bretagne Sud, France), Simon Znaty (ENST Bretagne, France)

Web-based Service Customization in an IN-TINA Environment
Christian Hubert (France Télécom CNET, France)

Modelling Management Components for Reuse Using UML
David Lewis (University College London, UK), Chris Malbon (University College London, UK), Alina DaCruz (University College London, UK)

Automated Design of Modular SNMP-CORBA Gateways and their Application for the Development of an ADSL Access Network Manager
Filip Vandermeulen (University of Gent, Belgium), Piet Demeester (University of Gent, Belgium), Piet De Ceuleners (Belgacom, Belgium), Jean-Marc Reynders (Belgacom, Belgium)


13:00 - 14:30

Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:00

Session 4A - Mobility Management
Chair: Fabrizio Zizza (Italtel, Italy)

Roaming Aspects of Ubiquitous Mobile Service Support
J. C. Francis (Swisscom, Switzerland), B. Diem (Swisscom, Switzerland)

A Personal Naming and Directory Service for UMTS Users
Alain Macaire (Gemplus Research Group, France), David Carlier (Gemplus Research Group, France)

The Application of Mobile Agent Technology to Mobility Management in MARINE.
Mark Donnelly (Teltec, Ireland), Ivan Griffin (Teltec, Ireland), Conor Morris (Teltec, Ireland), John Nelson (Teltec, Ireland)


Session 4B - Service Creation 1
Chair: Sofoklis Efremidis (Intracom, Greece)

An Environment for IN Service Prototyping and Validation
Kristofer Kimbler (High Definition Systems AB, Sweden), Carl-Henrik Hagenfeldt (High Definition Systems AB, Sweden), Jan Ellsberger (L.M. Ericsson, Denmark), Gustav Bergman (Telelogic AB, Sweden)

Towards the Seamless Integration of Mobile Agents into Service Creation Practice
Andreas Kind (NEC Europe Ltd, Germany), Miltiades E. Anagnostou (National Technical University of Athens, Greece), Malamati D. Louta (National Technical University of Athens, Greece), Jan Nicklisch (NEC Europe Ltd, Germany), Juan Tous (NEC Europe Ltd, Germany)

The Pros and Cons of Using SDL for Creation of Distributed Services
A. Olsen (TeleDanmark, Denmark), D. Demany (Sema Group Telecom, France), E. Cardoso (INESC, Portugal), F. Lodge (Teltec, Ireland), M. Kolberg (University of Strathclyde, Scotland), M. Björkander (Telelogic, Sweden), R. Sinnott (GMD Fokus, Germany)


16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:00

Panel Session 2
Chair: Stefan Covaci (GMD Fokus, Germany)

Active Networks
Radu Popescu-Zeletin (GMD Fokus, Germany), Ian Marshall (BT Multimedia Systems Research, UK), Peter Kirstein (UCL, UK), Steve Deering (Cisco, USA) , Osamu Takada (Hitachi Systems Research Laboratories, Japan), Falk Schulz (Deutsche Telekom Berkom, Germany)


Session 5B - Service Creation 2
Chair: Sofoklis Efremidis (Intracom, Greece)

Alignment of the TOSCA and SCREEN Approaches to Service Creation
F. Lodge (Teltec, Ireland), K. Kimbler (Lund University, Sweden), M. Hubert (Sema Group Telecom, France)

Service Logic Deployment and Distribution Configuration
A.K.Kaltabani (Intrasoft SA, Greece), E.C.Tzifa (Intrasoft SA, Greece), P.Demestichas (Intrasoft SA, Greece), M.Anagnostou (Intrasoft SA, Greece), E.Cardoso (INESC, Portugal), A.R.Silva (INESC, Portugal)

Simplifying Real-Time Multimedia Application Development Using Session Descriptions
Sarom Ing (BT Laboratories, UK), Steve Rudkin (BT Laboratories, UK)


18:00 - 19:00

IST Programme Discussion
Chair: Mario Campolargo (European Comission, Belgium)
An opportunity to meet and discuss potential project proposals on IS&N topics.

19:00 - 20:00

Cocktail & Award for Best Paper


Thursday, 29th April 1999

9:00 - 10:30

Session 6A - Multimedia Services & Security
Chair: Jaime Delgado (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain)

Audio/Video Stream Binding in a Pan-European Service Management Platform
Eric Sellin (BT Laboratories, UK), Peter Loosemore (BT Laboratories, UK), Sohail Rana (BT Laboratories, UK), Jürgen Dittrich (DT/GMD-Fokus, Germany), Maarten Wegdam (KPN Research, The Netherlands)

Java Enabled MPEG-4 Services: the MPEG-J Framework
Roberto Becchini (SIA-Società Italiana Avionica SpA, Italy), Gianluca De Petris (CSELT, Italy)

Key Management Services for Multicast Infrastructure Security
Thomas Hardjono (Nortel Networks, USA)


Session 6B - Mobility in TINA
Chair: Sebastiano Trigilia (FUB, Italy)

Performance Evaluation of an Allocation Strategy for TINA Compliant Mobile Agents Supporting PCS in a Multi-Retailer Environment
A. Lombardo (Università di Catania, Italy), P. Nicosia (Università di Catania, Italy), S. Palazzo (Università di Catania, Italy), M. Samarotto (Università di Catania, Italy), G. Schembra (Università di Catania, Italy)

Locating TINA's User Agent: Strategies for Broker Federations and their Comparison
Axel Küpper (RWTH Aachen, Germany)

Agent-based Service and Retailer Selection in a Personal Mobility Context
George D. Stamoulis (ICS-FORTH, Greece), Dimitrios Kalopsikakis (ICS-FORTH, Greece), Anna Kirikoglou (ICS-FORTH, Greece), Vasilios A.Siris (ICS-FORTH, Greece), Didoe Prevedourou (Intracom, Greece), Sofoklis Efremidis (Intracom, Greece), Henryka Jormakka (VTT Information Technology, Finland)


10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 - 13:00

Session 7A - Distributed Intelligence in Networks and Services
Chair: Alex Galis (University College London, UK)

Modularization of TINA Reference Points for Information Networking
P. Schoo (GMD Fokus, Germany), Chr. Egelhaaf (GMD Fokus, Germany), T. Eckardt (GMD Fokus, Germany), A. Agoulmine (University of Versailles, France), M. Tschichholz (GMD Fokus, Germany)

Relevance of Existing IN Infrastructure to the Internet
Christos Solomonides (University College London, UK), Mark Searle (University College London, UK)

Introduction of DOT/MAT into IN Architecture and Services
L. Faglia (Italtel, Italy), T. Magedanz (IKV++, Germany), A. Papadakis (National Technical University of Athens, Greece)

The Use of TINA Principles in the Management of Internet Multimedia Conferences
Q. Cabell (University College London, UK), P. Kirstein (University College London, UK), T. Pagtzis (University College London, UK), T. Tiropanis (University College London, UK), L. Wang (University College London, UK)


Session 7B- Agent Support for Resource, Network and Enterprise Management
Chair: Divine Ndumu (BT Laboratories,UK)

Knowledge Modelling in Multiagent Systems: The Case of the Management of a National Network
Martín Molina (Technical University of Madrid, Spain), Sascha Ossowski (Rey Juan Carlos University at Madrid, Spain)
Multi-Agent System for Network Resource Management
J. Bigham (Queen Mary and Westfield College, UK), L.G. Cuthbert (Queen Mary and Westfield College, UK), A.L.G. Hayzelden (Queen Mary and Westfield College, UK), Z. Luo (Queen Mary and Westfield College, UK)

Efficiency Evaluation of Mobile Agents Based Network Management System
Kiminori Sugauchi (Hitachi, Japan), Satoshi Miyazaki (Hitachi, Japan), Stefan Covaci (GMD Fokus, Germany), Tianning Zhang (GMD Fokus, Germany)

A Mobile Intelligent Agent Based Virtual Enterprise Support Environment
S. Covaci (GMD Fokus, Germany), M. Zell (GMD Fokus, Germany)


13:00 - 14:30

Lunch Break

14:30 - 16:00

Keynote Speakers 2
Chair: Alvin Mullery (ICEurope, France)

Trends in the Evolution of Intelligent Networks
F. Javier Carrasco (Telefónica I+D, Spain)

New Methods of Work: Reshaping our Society
Paul Van Binst (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)


16:00 - 16:30

Closing of Conference
Chair: Alvin Mullery (ICEurope, France).
Chairman of the Steering Committee

RACE/ACTS Era Ending - New Horizons ahead
Spyros Konidaris (DGXIII-G Acting Director, European Commission)


Social Events

Gala Dinner

On Tuesday 27th (21:00) a Gala Dinner will be served at the Hotel Avenida Palace (Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes, 605). At the end of the dinner, there will be a guitars and lutes concert by the Agrupación Laudística Cierzo.
The full conference fee includes the Gala Dinner. Extra banquet tickets are available.

Showcase Drink

An industrial showcase and demonstration take place in parallel to the other sessions during the first day. At the end of the day, to close the showcase, a drink will be offered. This is sponsored by Media Technology Group, S.L., one of the exhibitors in the showcase.

Cocktail and Award for Best Paper

An evening cocktail will be served at Telefónica on Wednesday 28th (19:00) at which the best paper award will be delivered.

Lunches and Coffee Breaks

Refreshments will be served in the Auditorium coffee break room.
Lunches will be served at the
Barceló Hotel Sants, located on top of Sants Train Station (10 minutes walk from the Auditorium). A bus service will be provided.
